Xurano is a graphical
editor to create and edit mid-size family trees (some hundred persons).
Each newly added person will thereby be automatically placed in the family tree.
The internal display algorithm can not only place direct ancestors
and descendants, but also side lines like siblings and their partners and
children and so on.
The most important features are:
- Layout of a graphical family tree with (nearly) all relatives, including side lines.
- The family tree will be calculated relatively to a start person or family.
- Handling of unusual attributes, like census or adult christening.
- Pictures of persons can be displayed in the family tree as well.
- Different magnifications from "Overview" to "Details including pictures".
- Administration of source references including their reliability.
- Printout over several pages (which have to be glued together afterwards).
- Extensive help with a little walkthrough.
- Data are saved GEDCOM 5.5 compliant.
- Import of GEDCOM 5.5 compliant files.
Xurano was published as an open source project under the GNU Public License.
Author and creator is Heinrich Eichmann.